Our Holiday Plan
Hello! Great to see you again!
In this space, we'll be discussing about our plan for the next holiday.
Farin: "Violet! great to see you again! It's been forever!"
Violet: "Hey! How are you? It's just 2 weeks."
Farin: "I'm feeling great. Where have you been for 2 weeks? where did you go all this time?"
Violet: "I stayed in Bali for 2 weeks."
Farin: "You must be super happy!"
Violet: "Well, yes I am. Where were you going Farin?"
Farin: "I stayed in Singapore for a week, and stayed at home for the rest of the time."
Violet: "Geez! I miss Singapore so much! Do you have souvenirs for me?"
Farin: "Well of course! here you go i give you a pencil case from smiggle."
Violet: "Thanks Farin! It's so pretty!'
Farin: "U're welcome!"
Violet: "Where will you going for the next holiday?"
Farin: "I really want to go to Europe."
Violet: "Why?"
Farin: "Well, because Europe is a really nice continent and i really want to see Tulip Flowers!"
Violet: "I hope you'll be able to get there for the next holiday!"
Farin: "I hope so. How about you Violet? Where will you going?"
Violet: "I want to go to Maldives."
Farin: "Why?"
Violet: "Because i love beach so much and in Maldives there are so many spot for taking pictures. As you know, I love taking pictures."
Farin: "Same like Europe. So many spot for taking pictures and the flowers are so colorful! I hope you'll be able to get there for the next holiday!"
Violet: "Amen, thanks!"
Farin: "Violet, I got to go!"
Violet: "Wait! I nearly forgot! There are some souveniers for you from Bali! Hope you love it!"
Farin: "Thank you Violet! Good bye!"
Violet: "Bye!!"
In this space, we'll be discussing about our plan for the next holiday.
Farin: "Violet! great to see you again! It's been forever!"
Violet: "Hey! How are you? It's just 2 weeks."
Farin: "I'm feeling great. Where have you been for 2 weeks? where did you go all this time?"
Violet: "I stayed in Bali for 2 weeks."
Farin: "You must be super happy!"
Violet: "Well, yes I am. Where were you going Farin?"
Farin: "I stayed in Singapore for a week, and stayed at home for the rest of the time."
Violet: "Geez! I miss Singapore so much! Do you have souvenirs for me?"
Farin: "Well of course! here you go i give you a pencil case from smiggle."
Violet: "Thanks Farin! It's so pretty!'
Farin: "U're welcome!"
Violet: "Where will you going for the next holiday?"
Farin: "I really want to go to Europe."
Violet: "Why?"
Farin: "Well, because Europe is a really nice continent and i really want to see Tulip Flowers!"
Violet: "I hope you'll be able to get there for the next holiday!"
Farin: "I hope so. How about you Violet? Where will you going?"
Violet: "I want to go to Maldives."
Farin: "Why?"
Violet: "Because i love beach so much and in Maldives there are so many spot for taking pictures. As you know, I love taking pictures."
Farin: "Same like Europe. So many spot for taking pictures and the flowers are so colorful! I hope you'll be able to get there for the next holiday!"
Violet: "Amen, thanks!"
Farin: "Violet, I got to go!"
Violet: "Wait! I nearly forgot! There are some souveniers for you from Bali! Hope you love it!"
Farin: "Thank you Violet! Good bye!"
Violet: "Bye!!"
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